Come as you are and join the family
We’re a local parish church in Stoke Park, Ipswich. For us, church is about Jesus & walking alongside each other through the mess that is life.
You don't have to have your life sorted or your faith figured out. Come as you are. As soon as you walk in, we'll be the better for it.

What's on at St Peter's?
We have loads on every week, too much to fit on a website! Here are a few of our regular activities, follow us on Facebook to find out everything that’s happening.

Sunday Mornings
Monday Meals
Wellsprings Wellbeing Café
Top-Up Shop
Two services, the earlier a more traditional communion service. The later an informal service with youth and children's clubs. Refreshments served in-between the two services.
For adults, come along on Monday evenings for a free 2 course meal and a time of worship afterwards.
Free light refreshments including soup, tea, coffee and cake with opportunities to colour, reflect and meditate.
Get a bag of shopping for £2. Open to everyone and we always have nice chat.
Sundays (am) 9-9.45 and 10.15-11.30
Mondays from 5pm, food at 6pm
Wednesdays 12.30-1.30pm
Wednesdays 1.30pm
Bring the kids!

Church is a family, and that includes everyone - from the very oldest all the way to the very youngest.
On Sunday mornings we always have activities for the kids.
Junior Church
We have a friendly and fun group for parents and preschool children and babies. Tuesdays 9:30-11am during term-time.
Babies and Toddlers
Once a month we have Messy Church, where we get together to have fun, chat about the Bible, be creative, make mess, and discover the explosion of joy that is life with Jesus.
Messy Church

Friendly faces to look out for
We’re proud that St Peter’s is a really welcoming place. Here are a few people to keep your eye out for whenever you come along - they’re always happy to chat.

Priest in Charge

Associate Priest

Pioneer Minister

Pinewood & St. Peter's Pioneer

Children & Families Worker
What we believe
At the heart of Christianity are three beliefs:
1) There is one God, the God of the Bible
2) Jesus is God’s Son, who died to save us
3) God is available to us through the Holy Spirit
We’re not asked to fully understand all this, but we are asked to believe and trust. This is called faith.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore the basics of the Christian faith. It’s great if you have questions or want to explore faith.
Visit our Facebook page to find out when we’re next meeting. Come for the pudding, stay for the chat!
Got questions about faith?